Help with Bluecoat Reverse Proxy and Tomcat with domain names.


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000
My company recently upgraded a transactional website. This entailed replacement of the server, running a completely different back-end for the site. We transitioned from IIS to Tomcat. Prior to this upgrade, we were using a Bluecoat SG400 as a reverse proxy to help protect the website.

After the upgrade, if you go straight to the server, without the Bluecoat in place, everything is fine. However, when the reverse proxy is put back in place, it starts trying to send the user to the local server name, instead of the alias for the server. Basically, instead of going to, it is now trying to go to web.companyname.local. We think it may be a Tomcat configuration issue, but not sure what to try.

The Bluecoat device is now out of maintenance as it was put on EOL, however, as we normally have it run at 3-5% CPU load, we havn't felt the need to replace it at this time.

Does anyone have an ideas?
