help with an MCMS installation


Senior member
Dec 23, 2003
I'm installing MCMS for a project I'm woking on for my company. Instead of just hoping and praying it would work out of the box, I followed the following link for instructions on how to install MCMS properly: Link

I'm currently running Windows XP SP1 (no SP2 for certain incompatibilities with applications) and followed the instructions listed. When I tried to install MCMS I encountered an error saying the following prerequisites were not met:

1. Microsoft JVM 5.0 or higher (where the heck do I get this now that MS doesn't distribute it directly)
2. VS.NET not found

Now, VS.NET is most definitely on my computer. I installed VS.Net 2003 EE following the listed timeline on that documentation page.

After doing some research, I found a solution to a Windows Server 2003 problem that is similar that requires me to install just the server component, apply SP1a and then add the rest of the components. The link can be found here. The reason why I am hesistant to try this solution is because Windows XP came out long before WS2003 (sort of nullifying the reasoning behind the post).

Anyway, any help would be much appreciated!