Help with 2,000 Ford Taurus Mach stereo system


Jan 6, 2002
Hi, I have a 2,000 Taurus with the Mach Audio System *YUCK!* I just invested a nice chunk of change upgrading it, but it still sounds weak. With all new speakers, a Alpine digital amp, Monster comp level wiring/plugs this is very annoying to me!
The problem lies here, the car has an all digital dash, I am looking for a replacement kit for it. All I seem to see is the Analog dash kits (they're everywhere) I'm going to assume since I called about 20 stereo places that there isn't a mainstream aftermarket replacement for the all Digital dash. But I'm also going to assume that there has so be some small company somewhere that produces these. *shrug*

My only other option is to adding a new deck (what I'm after) is to mount it under the passenger seat. Which is a last resort, unless somebody here knows of a Digital replacement kit, or possibly a better mounting spot. Oh and the glove box is a bit too small to mount there :(

any help/suggestions would be LOVELY!



Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
I have a 1999 Escort, and I was in sort of the same boat for replacing the head unit. The Escort has a similiar integrated radio/heat control unit; however, they are just 3 analog dials. I imagine you will have great difficulty replacing your head unit.


Jan 15, 2001
i was going to mount a new HU in my glove box for security reasons and leave the stock HU on my explorer, but i opted not to.


vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Originally posted by: AvesPKS
I have a 1999 Escort, and I was in sort of the same boat for replacing the head unit. The Escort has a similiar integrated radio/heat control unit; however, they are just 3 analog dials. I imagine you will have great difficulty replacing your head unit.

Actually, you can get a replacement "oval" to fit around the dash and make everything match up after putting an aftermarket unit into an Escort. My buddy has a '99 scort and put in a Rockford MP3 player in his. The replacement dash was like $15 extra.


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: AvesPKS
I have a 1999 Escort, and I was in sort of the same boat for replacing the head unit. The Escort has a similiar integrated radio/heat control unit; however, they are just 3 analog dials. I imagine you will have great difficulty replacing your head unit.

oh the analog kit is EVERYWHERE!!! I only wish this POS didn't have the all digital dash. But if I can't find a aftermarket kit, I will find somebody who would be able to build me a custom one.


Jan 6, 2002
Actually, you can get a replacement "oval" to fit around the dash and make everything match up after putting an aftermarket unit into an Escort. My buddy has a '99 scort and put in a Rockford MP3 player in his. The replacement dash was like $15 extra.

Hummmm, my dash is one solid peice though, I don't think it'll be that easy! I talked to many stereo shops and all basically told me "you have 2 choices, mount a new head unit elsewhere, or you're screwed! :)"

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Sorry QueBert, my reply was more aimed at Aves. Just letting him know that he can swap out the head units.