Help, WinXP wont boot anymore!


Nov 3, 2001
After the initial loading screen, when the light/sky blueish screen appears, but before login, a box pops up saying that it cant find the local profile, will use a temp. profile for now, any changes made will not be saved.
then the box goes away and the welcome screen comes up, but then it just freezes there... mouse moves and all, but nothing else, cant get it to get any further.... any ideas? Im new to winXP and dont know much about the boot up process.
i tried recovery console... but it askes ofr admin password, and i enter it, but it says its invalid... go figure, the only account on the computer is mine...



Golden Member
Jun 22, 2001
You may try to hit Ctr-Alt-Del at when it says that it can't find a profile. Then you can log in under the administrators account. You will have an administrators account and if you didn't type in a password, then their isn't one. Just type in administrator and hit enter. I don't know if this will solve your problem, but it is all that I could think of.