I am trying to help a friend get her wireless working upstairs in her house. The modem is located downstairs a few rooms down. Purchased 2 Buffalo WZR2-G300N router/access points. Hooked one up to the modem and have an OK but iffy signal in the upstairs portions of the house. Put the second router upstairs and switched the external switch to access mode. Plugged it in thinking it would automatically set up? Not really sure if it's working.
Perused the manual and it doesn't really say much, has one page on it. Which says to hook the access point up to the existing router, give it an unused IP and then the same subnet then restart the pc.
So does this mean that the access point will have to be hard wired to the other router? We got two thinking one could just be plugged into power upstairs with no wires and add wireless range?
Perused the manual and it doesn't really say much, has one page on it. Which says to hook the access point up to the existing router, give it an unused IP and then the same subnet then restart the pc.
So does this mean that the access point will have to be hard wired to the other router? We got two thinking one could just be plugged into power upstairs with no wires and add wireless range?