Help removing CPU


Jan 5, 2001
I'm new to OC'ing. I've removed my TaiSol cooler from atop the CPU, and now want to remove the CPU to apply the traces to unlock it. I don't know how to remove the CPU though. Does anyone know of a pic online somewhere.

Forgot to mention I have a 1 GHz Athlon...



Golden Member
May 14, 2001
There's a lever that will release the CPU from the socket. Push teh lever to the right and lift it up. This will release it. And just pick up the CPU. HTH


Platinum Member
Mar 8, 2001
Looks like you're new to computers in did you get the cpu in there in the first place. But's all good...all part of the learning process. That's wat you do here in the forums. Release the lever...pull it up...carefully take out the cpu and make sure you don't touch any of the pins...(just grab it on the sides) and then make sure you carefully do the traces. If you have thermal compound like artic silver on you...make sure you put that on you don't have to take it all out again later on...cuz it seems like you're planning on ocing. K...good luck.


Jan 5, 2001

Thanks guys/gals. I got it out and it's currently running at 1.2 GHz. Nice. Might try pushing it a little farther after I see where the temp is going to settle.

I'm not THAT new. Actually been working on computers for a very long time, but this is the first time I "built my own." I had Monarch put the pieces together and burn it in before shipping. Even with their $15 charge to do that, I think I came out ahead. So I didn't put all the pieces together. I feel very nervous handling the CPU, so this was a confidence building experience for me.

BTW, there's some kind of sticky junk on the bottom of the TaiSol, and all of it didn't stay with the HS upon removal. SOme went with the CPU. I figured it must have been some kind of thermal paste (but it sure didn't look like it - looks more like a piece of sticky foam). So I cleaned the top of the CPU, and crossed my fingers that what was left on the HS would be enough to keep it cool. So far temps are the same as they were before.



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Not to make you get careless, but just to ease apprehesion....

My AMD 486-133 ended up in the aquarium overnight (long story). Still works fine.

My current Athlon 650 oc 800 has been run under the faucet a few times now while scrubbing the Artic Silver II off with a toothbrush and handsoap. Shook it a few times, used a dry brush to get some of the water out of the pins (ok that was pushing it) and tossed it back in the computer.

Posting this message from that computer. Haven't managed to kill a CPU yet, though with one side of this core cracked off and both corners on one end so the flat surface is an oval now, not a rectangle, I'm probably getting close :) Guess I want a faster one subconciously.

Now, reusing the thermal pad like you describe is a no-no. That your temps haven't gone up rather surprises me, I guess if they stay like that then leave it alone. But if you take it apart again, clean it all off the heatsink (various products work, lighter fluid is what I use) with some solvent and cloth, don't use anything metal to scrape it. Then apply heatsink compound and put it back together. Artic Silver II is the recommended compound by most around here.

Watch those temps closely the next few days, hate to see anything happen. Like I said, if it's staying the same, guess you got lucky, go with it.
