I want to upgrade to a new card from my old VOODOO 3 2000- I thought I was set on the RADEON 64 DDR, but got confused after seeing a 64 DDR VIVO. NOW, I hear the 7500 is better? What is the best- for around $150??? From what I've seen, the DDR has had the least complaints, but what do I know...
Im just a rookie... HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!
-MY Voodoo stinks. It lags and skips in simple games like AOM. I run a AMD k-6 500 MHZ and plan to upgrade to a 1.6 MHZ AMD (if any of that matters) PLEASE HELP!:frown:
Im just a rookie... HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!
-MY Voodoo stinks. It lags and skips in simple games like AOM. I run a AMD k-6 500 MHZ and plan to upgrade to a 1.6 MHZ AMD (if any of that matters) PLEASE HELP!:frown: