Help!! Problem with SB Live 5.1 and music/game sound..


Jul 21, 2000
I'm running an Sb Live 5.1 on Windows XP. I received my Megaworks 510d 5.1 speaker system today and hooked it up. DVDs play fine; it outputs ac3 fine. I have two problems though:

Even with a 5.1 setup, music (through winamp, e.g.) is supposed to come out of only your two front speakers right? I mean it has to be stereo. Problem is it comes out of both my fronts and rears so it sounds kinda weird.

Also, same problem with games. I played sof 2 demo and I don't believe I have EAX enabled (does sof2 demo even have eax, anyway) and the sound came out of all four speakers. I don't mean positional audio. I mean the exact same sound came out of all four speakers and it sounds weird.

Anyone know how I can solve these problems?