Help! New PC build no monitor signal!


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2012
Hello everybody. I just built my PC last night, installed my AMD Phenom 2 X4 965 black edition into my MSI 890GXM-G56.

I installed everything into the case correctly, and tried turning it on for the first time, and I get no POST beep or anything until I remove the ram, then I get the system clearly telling me it needs ram. So I ruled out the ram as the culprit. I tried removing my GFX card and everything, switching my cords over to the VGA, DVI and HDMI on the main board, and nothing working.

I figured I must have a short someplace and took the mobo completely out and "rebuilt it" and made sure the IO Shield was fully nestled correctly with every contact touching the board.

I unplugged everything down to the bare necessities, no HDD and no disc drives, to see if I could get it to boot into the bios that way and still nothing.

I am not sure what else to do. Could the CPU not be recognized by the board? I made sure all the pins lined up and it dropped right into place and I locked it in and applied thermal paste and know it has to be good.

I have tried troubleshooting the best I know how, and still it escapes me as to what the problem could be.

This is my first complete PC build from the ground up, I have worked on PC's for the past 6 years, always swapping parts, and have a good understanding of the hardware. If anybody could please point out what I am doing wrong I would be most appreciated.


Rosewill Challenger gaming PC case
MSI 890GXM-G65 Motherboard
AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4GHZ Quad core processor
XFX Radeon HD 6670 1GB GDDR5 gfx card
8GB Gskill Ripjaw ram
500GB Hitachi HDD
Raidmax RX-530SS 530w PSU
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Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
Does that CPU/mobo have on-board graphics like the Z68/i5 2500 (as an example.) I just installed my new GPU but I had to disable the on-board graphics driver to get the GPU to respond.


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2012
Yes it does. But problem is, it won;t even boot up to the bios screen for me to even do that.

I just tore it all down again and placed it on cardboard, and tried using a 600w Coolermaster PSU and tried it with only 1 stick of ram. It does nothing but powers on.

I take ram out and hear 3 beeps. So I know the board MUST be working to know that the ram is missing.

Anybody else have any other suggestions?
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No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
How are you connecting your monitor? Some boards only display the BIOS on the VGA/main display output, and don't on the digital (DVI, HDMI, DP) outputs.


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2012
I am using VGA to test it, but on this PC I leave the DVI in. My monitor has both connectors so I don't have to turn this one off to test my new build.

I just unplug the DVI from this and plug in the VGA so there is no conflict from both PC's.


Senior member
Feb 12, 2011
When you power up, does your HDD spin up, do all the led's on the case light up? Does the MOBO have an Power LED and is it lit?


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2012
The 4 CPU lights light up blue. I don't however see a power led on the board. I do have one on the case though, and it was for the HDD apparently, but never lit up.

I have tried everything under the sun I can think of. The Mobo and CPU appear to work according to the LED'S on the board, so I am pretty much stumped.


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2012
Sorry for double post, but I think I might have found the problem.

This was posted over at the MSI forums as a suggestion.

Try another stick of RAM. Gskill Ripjaws has been known to cause problems for AMD users.
And I read this on the Gskill Newegg page.

Pros: it looks pretty,

Cons: cannot install 2 of these kits into an ASUS 990FX sabertooth, when i did all I got was BSODs, and even with one kit installed I would get memory errors, or sometimes not all 8gigs would be recognized,
I have RMAed back all the memory and still the same, when I RMAed i even bought a bigger power supply thinking that maybe an issue, still bluescreen

Other Thoughts: I this is not the only motherboard I have had issues with this memory on, I am thinking that gskill, has some major issues with their memory, after reading forums and talking to tech support from Motherboard manufacturers that a lot of people have issue with them on AMD boards
My question is this, without the ram would the PC still be able to boot into the bios screen?

Also, the only way I get any beeps from the build is when I remove the ram, at which time I receive 3 beeps from the mobo.
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No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I've got 4x4GB of GSkill Sniper 1.5v DDR3-1600 RAM in my Asrock 990FX Extreme4 mobo, no problems. I don't think that Gskill is generally incompatible, as we would hear a lot more horror stories about it on these forums.