Help needed with Redhat 7.0


Senior member
Oct 3, 2001
I bought Redhat 7 a while back and never go around to installing it and learn it. Just today I redone my laptop and installed Redhat 7 on it. I installed only KDE which it installed fine and all. But I need to know how to change the 'screen resolution'. I'm used to running nothing but windows. But I would like to learn linux some so I know what I'm missing. ;) If you could give a step by step help that would be very helpful. Thnx.

I'm stuck on dialup since cable/dsl is not available here. So downloading mandrake or ect. will be hard for me. :(


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000
Use Xconfigurator. RH8 version of GNOME have a very similar GUI to MS-Window with much less cluter compare to the old GNOME/KDE (I'm not sure what RH8 version of KDE look like), and System Setting > Display to mod the resolution.


Jan 25, 2000
Yeah I'd reiterate that unless the notebook is an old "small" machine (i.e. it has constrained resources), you're almost assuredly better off with a newer release. Some to consider:
  • Red Hat Linux 7.3 or 8.0 if you want bleeding edge
  • Mandrake Linux 8.2 or 9.0, likewise
  • SuSE Linux 8.0 or 8.1
Debian and Gentoo Linux are trendy geek picks as well, although Gentoo wouldn't work for you (I question whether it works for anyone, but supposedly the performance is somewhat impressive). I don't know how well Red Hat does hardware detection these days (all Linux OS's should be roughly comparable), but in the recent past, SuSE and Mandrake were known to be better in that area.

No need to download anything yourself; you can buy cheap Linux on CDs (i.e. ). Any number of AT Forum members would sell to you dirt-cheap CDR copies or even send you some gratis. You just have to ask nicely.


Platinum Member
Mar 11, 2000
Gentoo wouldn't work for you (I question whether it works for anyone, but supposedly the performance is somewhat impressive).

Workin fine for me ;)

I have to agree with Manly, get a newer distro, in in Redhat8 you can change screen resolutions in the gui just like windows. Otherwise run Xconfigurator or just edit you XF86config and pull out the resoultions you dont want (at the color depth your running)... thats what I do on my lappy since I never run anything except the native resolution


Senior member
Oct 3, 2001
Thnx for the reply's guys. You can see the laptop spec's if you use the link in my sig. That's really all the info I know about the laptop.