HELP!!!need some help on chosing a case for a dual p2 xeon server board

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Looks like it is extended ATX. Gonna need to look for cases that support that form factor.Off hand, I think Lian Li PC-70, PC-75 and a few other support that, but those are $200+ cases... There should be others that can be bought for $100-150 that will fit this board. It "might" fit in a full tower like the Cheftec TA-10WD, DA-01WD, or MA-01WD, but not certain. They supposedly support Xeon boards, but that doesn't mean they fit DUAL Xeon's.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Whoa, that's an interesting-looking board. Probably a workstation board, not a server board (note it has an AGP slot, not much use to servers). The form factor does look unusual. That I/O panel seems extra-long, I hope it fits something besides a proprietary Dell chassis (ditto for the PSU connector). I tried to search Dell's site and also Google for the part number on the sticker, but didn't get anywhere. Good luck!


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
i was hesitant at first on buying it, but i emailed the guy and he swore up and down it was a slot 2 board, so we'll see. cause i know dual slot 2 board always run like 150-160, and this was a steal at 22.50 i think it is a work station board though, not a server, but its still pretty tight, cause i can pick up 2 p2 450 xeons with 2mb cache each for $50 total, and 2 VRMs for $20 together

any suggeestions on ram? you think generic would work?

i wonder if this would work

oh yeah, you only need a xeon terminator ifyou are only running 1 xeon chip right?


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
There's no doubt it is a slot-2 board. That doesn't mean Dell can't play hanky-panky with the positioning of the PCI and AGP slots, the power-connector pinout, the I/O panel and other physical layout aspects. Dell does things Dell's way a lot. I didn't want to sound negative, but I think you're setting yourself up for a fall on this project. From a cost/performance perspective, it's going to get its head handed to it by an AthlonXP.

At a guess, it might be a board from a Dell Precision 610 or similar, and using Crucial's handy memory selector, we see this. As you'd expect for a 440GX-based board, it takes ECC or Registered ECC PC100 SDRAM up to 512Mb. You can probably fish for some over in FS/T. You can't mix Registered and Unbuffered, so make a choice and stick to it if this works out.