Help! Need a card game for 2 players


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
My son has a few friends from high school and a few college students over for a New Year's eve party. The wife and I are stuck "chaperoning" which means staying out of sight.

Stumped though - can't think of any card games that are really good for 2 people. Any suggestions? (I already suggested strip poker, but she doesn't think it's a good idea at the moment.)


Golden Member
Apr 13, 2005
The GF and I just played a few games of UNO! It was a rousing good time! (Just for the record, I won)

EDIT: ok, she won... she saw my post and made me change it :(


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Not sure if there's a name for it, but a game I like playing is where you put down 4 cards, and whoever can come up with a way to make 24 out of it using addition/subtraction/multiplication/division gets the 4 cards (you don't have to use all 4 so if there's 4 6 10 3, you just say 4 times 6 or you could say 6/3 * 10 + 4). Face cards count as 10, ace can be 1 or 11. If no combination is found within some set amount of time (both people agree there isn't anything) then you just reshuffle the 4 cards into the deck and redeal. Winner is the person with the most cards at the end. It's kind of a nerdy game but what can I say.

Of course this assumes that both players are equally good at mental math. It sucks if one person dominates the other.

Another fun one is casino:
I also like to play big2:
and the modification on big2, president (aka asshole):


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2007

Screw cards. Times like this are what sex was invented for.

If any hot high school/college girls of legal age wander in, simply invite them to join.



Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Chronoshock
Not sure if there's a name for it, but a game I like playing is where you put down 4 cards, and whoever can come up with a way to make 24 out of it using addition/subtraction/multiplication/division gets the 4 cards (you don't have to use all 4 so if there's 4 6 10 3, you just say 4 times 6 or you could say 6/3 * 10 + 4). Face cards count as 10, ace can be 1 or 11. If no combination is found within some set amount of time (both people agree there isn't anything) then you just reshuffle the 4 cards into the deck and redeal. Winner is the person with the most cards at the end. It's kind of a nerdy game but what can I say.

Of course this assumes that both players are equally good at mental math. It sucks if one person dominates the other.

Another fun one is casino:
I also like to play big2:
and the modification on big2, president (aka asshole):

One of us teaches calculus and physics and rarely if ever picks up a calculator. The other of us cried her way through a 100 level math class that I tutored her through.
No, I don't think 24 would be fair.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Chronoshock
Not sure if there's a name for it, but a game I like playing is where you put down 4 cards, and whoever can come up with a way to make 24 out of it using addition/subtraction/multiplication/division gets the 4 cards (you don't have to use all 4 so if there's 4 6 10 3, you just say 4 times 6 or you could say 6/3 * 10 + 4). Face cards count as 10, ace can be 1 or 11. If no combination is found within some set amount of time (both people agree there isn't anything) then you just reshuffle the 4 cards into the deck and redeal. Winner is the person with the most cards at the end. It's kind of a nerdy game but what can I say.

Of course this assumes that both players are equally good at mental math. It sucks if one person dominates the other.

I always knew that game as casino.


Nov 21, 2001
I've got a game for ya.
We play it a llittle differently, with the joker zeroing out any card it is paired with.
In addittion, if you get all for on one side the same, it is a -20 score. if it is 4 kings, -40.
Also, we never get to look at our down cards at that final round, so you may hurt yourself by taking the draw card instead of taking what you have. Seems more fun that way.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Two person spades FTMFW!! wife and i play it all the time. If you already know how to play spades, here's how you play 2 person spades (if not, ignore me)

1 of you shuffles, the other cuts. Whoever shuffles goes first. Take top card, decide if you want to keep it or not. If you keep it, look at the next card and then discard it. If you decide you DON'T want the top card (without looking at the next one!) discard it and you HAVE to take the next card. Take turns, when all is said and done you should each have 13 cards, bid like normal spades.


Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: DrPizza
My son has a few friends from high school and a few college students over for a New Year's eve party. The wife and I are stuck "chaperoning" which means staying out of sight.

Stumped though - can't think of any card games that are really good for 2 people. Any suggestions? (I already suggested strip poker, but she doesn't think it's a good idea at the moment.)

get bunny
have wife cook pancake
put said pnacake on bunny's head
take pic

or will bunny try to eat said pancake