I found this information at the KT7 FAQ link above. There are a few bios settings that are suggested. Sorry the usb pci controller card did not work out for you. Maybe something suggested here will work.
Good luck Glp1
Why don't my USB devices work?
A number of people experience problems with USB on motherboards using the VIA KT133 chipset, although these are not easily reproducible. The problems are therefore likely to be due to a number of cumulative problems. I therefore recommend the following:
Set "K7 CLK_CTL" as "default" instead of "optimal" in the "Advanced Chipset Features" submenu of the BIOS. This has no impact on performance and has solved the USB problem for most users.
Set "Enhance Chip Performance" to enabled in SoftMenuIII of the BIOS
Make sure you have an adequate power supply (at least 300W)
Try modifying your memory settings (slower or faster) - this has helped many people.
Get better quality memory (several users have solved USB problems by replacing generic RAM with Crucial or Mushkin brands)
Enable an IRQ for USB in the BIOS
Install VIA's USB Filter Driver
Some users have reported v4.25 of the 4in1 drivers solved USB problems - see drivers section for link
There is a known bug in the Universal Host Controller driver (Uhcd.sys) shipped with Windows 98SE that causes problems with the VIA chipset. Microsoft have a patch for this available at their support site under Q240075.
Read the Microsoft Knowledge Base article entitled General USB Troubleshooting in Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Me. This includes many tips and links to several other related Knowledge Base articles.
Try ticking "disable USB error detection" in Device Manager under Universal Serial Bus controllers, PCI to USB Universal Host Controller
Does your USB device load on a port exceed the power handling capability of the onboard USB controller? This may be the case with devices such as USB cameras, in which case purchasing a powered USB hub would help.
Problems often arise if you are trying to run your memory too aggressively - try relaxing your memory settings (see memory section)
Other solutions reported include:
Putting your Soundblaster Live! card in PCI Slot 4 (rather than Slots 2 or 3) solves the problem
One user reported disabling his Soundblaster by ticking "Disable in this hardware profile" in Device Manager whilst scanning, etc, resolved the problem
Some users with a KT7-RAID have reported having a disk installed on Highpoint Secondary controller caused USB disconnects
One user found USB instabilities were due to SB16 emulation being enabled on his MX300 soundcard
One user reported problems with an HP USB Scanjet scanner failing to work. Even replacing with another HP Scanjet had the same difficulties, but on replacing it with another brand his problems were resolved
One user with an ABIT KA7 motherboard found that his USB solutions were due to using a 3Com 3c905TX PCI network card. On using a different NIC (in the same slot) the problem was solved. The D-Link DFE-530TX PCI and the 3Com 3c509B ISA network cards did not cause USB problems. Let me know if this problem occurs on your KT7!
One user explained that all of the following were required to achieve consistent USB stability on his machine:
The Highpoint drivers default the minimum and maximum cache to 0kB. Using a cache setting program such as RAM Idle SE, increase the max cache to 6140kB.
In WindowsMe go to Control Panel and Scheduled Tasks and disable the PC health task, this kicks in every 5 minutes or so and occasionally kicks out the USB devices.
Set the CPU drive strength at 3
In Properties, Advanced of the USB Universal Host Controller, disable USB Error Detection. This can be found under System Properties, Device Manager, Universal Serial Bus controllers, USB Universal Host Controller.
Also set I/O voltage to 3.3 or below and CPU voltage no higher than 1.80v.
Absolutely no FSB overclocking as this can make the devices unstable!!
Do not install the VIA USB filter driver in WindowsMe and
Install the Via 4.25a drivers with AGP4 disabled in the bios first, then re enable it afterwards.
For other USB problems try the usbman website and the VIA USB - Tip and Tricks page in particular.