Originally posted by: gopunk
he says that pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way, no matter what, because "the car is bigger". i say this is bull sh!t... if some pedestrian steps out into traffic and gets run over that's their own goddamn fault and they are at fault.
Originally posted by: gopunk
he says that pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way, no matter what, because "the car is bigger". i say this is bull sh!t... if some pedestrian steps out into traffic and gets run over that's their own goddamn fault and they are at fault.
Originally posted by: Mo0o
read it
EDIT: This is just Washington Law of course..
Originally posted by: GuybrushThreepwood
Originally posted by: gopunk
he says that pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way, no matter what, because "the car is bigger". i say this is bull sh!t... if some pedestrian steps out into traffic and gets run over that's their own goddamn fault and they are at fault.
i think this depends on where you are. It certainly ISN'T the case in New York City. You step in the street at the wrong time and you're either cursed at and honked at by at least 10 taxi drivers or you're roadkill.
Now I've never been to the west coast, but I hear that cars have to stop for people... and that's TOTALLY weird to us New Yorkers.
Originally posted by: ffmcobalt
If there is a crosswalk and no crosswalk lights, the pedestrian has the right-of-way every time. If those two conditions aren't met, the pededestrian DOES NOT have the right-of-way.
Originally posted by: db
Depends on the state.