HELP: Misc Problems w/ Soyo Dragon System


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2002
Hello Everyone,

I just put this system together about 2 weeks ago and could use some help/input on some problems i've been having:

Soyo Dragon MB, bios ver. kvxa2ba2
Athlon XP 1800+
Thermalright SK-6, Arctic Silver II, Sunon 60mm 4500rpm fan
512MB Kingston DDR
Plextor 12x10x32x, Zip
Pinnacle DV200
Antec 830 case, 300watt PS
4 Enermax 80mm Variable Speen Case Fans

1. When I shut down the comp from windows or the power button, the system and fans shut off. But when i open the case i see the led on the mobo still on and i still have power on my keyboard and optical mouse. The only way i can totally cut the power is by flipping the switch in the back of the PS. This sux cause i dont want to have to reach in the back of my comp everytime i want to power down. I checked the bios and all the power management settings seem in place. I can't tell whether or not this is a PS or mobo problem. Please advise.

2. Aside from the problem above the system ran smoothly throughout the first week (CounterStrike, Photoshop, 3DMax, no prob). Now, all of a sudden i get freezes and lockups at various stages - @ post, @ winXP loading screen, @ 5-10 mins after winXP loads, even after booting into a dos prompt! Sometimes when i reset, it gives me a black screen. Ive flashed to the latest bios, cleared my cmos jumpers, and tried switching my ram into diff slots. Still unstable.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Golden Member
Apr 3, 2001
Well the power lights are normal and the lockups could be from a lot of things, Is your processor running cool, Maybe you are not getting enough power with the 300 watt power supply, Could be weak memory or a bad chip on the memory I have had that problem and it does the things you are talking about, Have had a harddrive give me problems like that to, Could be a driver problem, I know I wasn't to much help but it is one of them hunt till you find it things