Help me navigate the minefield of new graphics cards!


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2001

I am looking to replace my ageing Matrox G400 MAX as it doesn't seem to play more recent games a reasonable speed, if at all. Easy I thought, just get a GeForce based card...wrong...

Geforce3 Ti200
Geforce2 T1
Geforce3 Ti500
Geforce 2 Titanium VX

I really need help picking the right kind of card. I am NOT looking for the latest and greatest techology, just something which will last the next 18 months or so. I don't really want to pay more than £150 ($210). I would be buying it from Scan (no, I cannot get it from Newegg - I live in the UK). Also I would like one with a DVI port so I can connect it to an LCD screen I will be getting in the next 6 months or so.

Should I wait for the GeForce 4 to come out? Surely the older cards will come down in price then.

Can anyone help me navigate the minefield and suggest the best price to performance cards?


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2001
I decided to go for the Gainward GeForce2 Ti/450 TV "Golden Sample", 64 MB 4.5ns DDR, Video-out but am now thinking one of the new GeForce4-MX based cards would be a better bet.
