Help me make a procedure for building comps.


Sep 2, 2000
so I'm gonna be building my first comp in several days and I've just finished making a procedure. Please read it or glance over it and tell me if I've missed something, or if I am doing something wrong.

PS. The comp will be a A7V133, duron, radeon and maxtor, sblive if you were wondering.

Here is the procedure a new paragraph indicates everthing from the previous paragraph went fine and everything works:

make dos boot disk ("custom made" with mscdex CD drivers)
make win98 startup disk (in case above one doesn't work)
read manual
put on wrist strap

put cpu in socket
apply thin thermal coating
carefully put cooler on CPU
hook up cpu fan
put ram, make sure it's seated properly
put in video card, make sure its seated nicely
hook up floppy drive
plug in PSU
plub power into the motherboard
plug power into the floppy
hook up LEDs to case
put mobo on non-conductive surface
set mobo jumpers to jumperless mode
make sure mobo isn't touching anything conductive
plug in monitor, turn it on
plug in keyboard
turn PSU on
Turn computer on, go into bios.
adjust settings then restart
boot into DOS and shut down.

punch out mobo plate.
take out vid card and LEDs and floppy cable
put mobo in case. Make sure it doesnt touch tray
screw mobo in.
Make sure it doesnt touch tray.
put floppy in bay
put video card and LEDs and floppy cable back
put in case fan
Boot into DOS again.
shut down.

Put in HDD on primary master
boot into bios, adjust IDE settings, restart
boot into dos
make partitions, format them.
make sure you can access the drive
shut down

plug in CD into secondary master
boot into bios, adjust IDE settings, restart
boot from dos, put cd in, load cd drivers, access CD drive, shutdown
hook up mouse

boot from CD
install windows (2000) format 1 partition in NTFS
boot into windows
adjust video settings
enable DMA on HDD
install SP1
install VIA 4in1 4.29
install latest video card drivers
install sisoft sandra
format the rest of the partitions in FAT32)
run benchmarks

put in sound card
boot into windows
install sound card drivers
connect speakers
test sound (wav & midi)

install Network card
install drivers for NIC
install ADSL software
test internet connection (by going to anandtech ;))

put in second network card
Install drivers
test internet connection
install several more benchmarks (seti, prime95)
run benchmarks for several hours, simultaneously

set up internet sharing with older computer.
enjoy your new baby :)


Senior member
Feb 12, 2001


ring up the cow people
pay lots o money
wait some more
plug in
sit back
feel cheated
cheated liked it

read own proc
it was right in the first place
but where are the loops for repairing the errors

where is the back out statment

when all else fails read the B manual

good luck


Golden Member
Dec 2, 2000
Pyro, you are being way too anal about this whole thing. Building computers isn't a science, it's an art. :D

Seriously, just a couple comments:
1)Why in the world are you preassembling everything outside of the case? That seems way bizarre. I can only think that you're paranoid that you'll be shorting something out w/o knowing what it is. Don't be paranoid. Just put everything in the case the first time you build it.
2)A7V133 comes defaulted in JumperFree mode.
3)Why are you making a DOS boot disk? The Win98 boot disk will work fine and it will enable your CD-ROM. I haven't touched a real DOS boot disk since I was running on a 486!


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I'd simplify it a bit:

* Assemble outside of case: MB, RAM, CPU, fan, display card, power-on switch, PSU
* Adjust jumpers if necessary
* Connect keyboard and monitor
* Turn on, make sure you see BIOS, adjust BIOS settings (no overclocking yet)

* Install MB in case (with RAM, CPU, fan still in).
* Install everything else, including all cards. Adding card-by-card will get you nothing

* Boot from CD, install Win2K (why boot from floppy at all?)
* Install drivers in the order you listed. Leave Sandra to the end.




Sep 2, 2000
hehe, I guess I am more paranoid than is healthy, but like I said, first time and paying with my own money, I can't let anything happen, ya know?

So its safe to put everything in the case before booting? OK, I just read somewhere that its better to do it outside first. Oh well, at least it will save me time.


Anything else?


Sep 2, 2000
and about the boot disk, I don't like win98 disk with all the ram drives and stuff. A simple boot disk where I can manualy load the cd is all I need.