Hey all. I have a athlon 1.1 ghz 100fsb. I also have a IBM ata100 45gb 75gxp. The mobo I have is MSI KT7 Pro 2-a. It has the kt133 chipset with the 686b southbridge. Well I simply hate it. I started to suffer from the 686b bug but got past that. In win ME I have strange blue screen errors and I have given up. I need a new mobo. I want DDR. The thing is I need one that will support 100fsb processors. My main problem/question is when will mobos with the KT266-a come out? Should I wait for it. Is the performance that good. I really want a new mobo soon though. I have really given this current mobo my all and I am sick of it. If I were to get a kt266 mobo what would be the best to get. I will go look at anandtech's roundup. Well thanks all.