Help me create a scheduling website


Senior member
Oct 12, 2004
I TA for the MUS100 class here at my university. Finals week is coming up here and my boss wants me to create a website that the students could use to to sign up for times (we only have 20 available computers at this lab).

Anyone have any ideas? I'm thinking there should be an opensource piece of ASP, JSP, or PHP that I could use for this task.

It doesn't have to be pretty. It won't integrate with the school's student DB. It's just got to give the students a way to sign up for a time for the exam.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2004
Sorry I can't help, but wouldn't a regular ol' piece of paper work better as a simple sign-up sheet? Certainly seems more efficient. So far it sounds like trying to build your own car for what could be a 60-second stroll.


Nov 5, 2002
Just pass around a piece of paper with time slots listed. Then type it up for the prof.


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: stinkynathan
I TA for the MUS100 class here at my university. Finals week is coming up here and my boss wants me to create a website that the students could use to to sign up for times (we only have 20 available computers at this lab).

Anyone have any ideas? I'm thinking there should be an opensource piece of ASP, JSP, or PHP that I could use for this task.

It doesn't have to be pretty. It won't integrate with the school's student DB. It's just got to give the students a way to sign up for a time for the exam.

There are applications out there that was coded just for personal scheduler purposes but I doubt you will find an application named "Final Exam Scheduler" because a) there just isn't a market for it and b) because it can be done pretty easily - hour or two max just as long as you know what you are doing.

Is there a particular reason why your professor asked you to make a web site that can do this? As in, do they know you can program or what?

Easiest way to do it would be to keep track of the data submitted via a flatfile database and have the site keep track of the number of slots available per day. You should also have a full list of students and have the script remove the name once they've registered just so you won't have students putting in random names and taking up unecessary slots. And also have them enter a student ID or something just so you don't have students using other students' names.