I have decided on the following:
P4 "NorthWood" 1.6(A)GHz
256MB Samsung PC2700 RAM
Hercules 3D Prophet FDX 8500LE
Task P4 Case + 300W PSU (P4 approved)
Seagate Barracuda ATA IV 60GB
What do you think?
I'm planning on overclocking that "Woody" to 2.4GHz!
Is my setup up to it?
The EpoX board is supposed to be a perfect match to my O/C project, along with a stick of PC2700 RAM with Samsung made chips on it!
I am still confused about my V.Card and case.
Firstly, I heard it is very important to have a brand name PSU, especially for O/C. But I don't have any money left... What should I do??
Secondly, will the V.Card be sufficent enough for today's games? I also heard that by flashing its Bios to an ATi Radeon 8500 one, I can get it to work at 275/275 speeds with no problems. Is it true, or are the card's abilities limited from factory?
I thank you for any information given!
P4 "NorthWood" 1.6(A)GHz
256MB Samsung PC2700 RAM
Hercules 3D Prophet FDX 8500LE
Task P4 Case + 300W PSU (P4 approved)
Seagate Barracuda ATA IV 60GB
What do you think?
I'm planning on overclocking that "Woody" to 2.4GHz!
Is my setup up to it?
The EpoX board is supposed to be a perfect match to my O/C project, along with a stick of PC2700 RAM with Samsung made chips on it!
I am still confused about my V.Card and case.
Firstly, I heard it is very important to have a brand name PSU, especially for O/C. But I don't have any money left... What should I do??
Secondly, will the V.Card be sufficent enough for today's games? I also heard that by flashing its Bios to an ATi Radeon 8500 one, I can get it to work at 275/275 speeds with no problems. Is it true, or are the card's abilities limited from factory?
I thank you for any information given!