I am currently using Win98SE and I am running out of resources all the time. I have a Matrox Marvel G450 dual head in my AGP slot and a G450 PCI in a PCI slot on my ASUS P3v4x mobo. I said "in the process of" because I have been at it for 5 days and I cannot get it to install all the way. I have hit about 10 different errors and they each tell you to do 4 or 5 different things to the BIOS or Virus software or other programs. No reccomendation seems to work for me. I am trying to install Win 2000 on a brand new Maxtor Diamond Plus 60, 40 gig hard drive. My Drive C: has Win98SE installed on two 20 gig Maxtor Diamond Plus 40 hard drives set up under RAID 0 with a Promise card. Now supposedly Windows 2000 will not install on a harddrive over 32 gigs unless you partition the drive smaller which I have done, or use the NTFS file system, or use third party software to partition the drive. I want to use FAT 32 since I want to share some files with my current Win 98 SE. I am installing Win 2000 as a dual boot system. I read that you should not use the fdisk and format utility that comes with Windows 2000. You should use the DOS version of fdisk and format instead. But neither work in my case. I even tried to format and partition my drive with Partition Magic, but Windows 2000 refused to install on it. I have changed all my BIOS settings to default, I have disabled all my cache setting and disabled all shadowing. I am running with the latest BIOS version and have run two anti virus applications before I started. I have also done about a dozen more things as suggested by Microsoft but this thread is getting too long. Basically I cannot go beyond the text portion of the Win 2000 installation. It took me 2.5 weeks of work to install Win 98SE on my rig so I am not doing too badly yet. I finally had to trick it by installing Win 98SE on the correct hard drive in another computer than switch it to my current rig and it reloaded all the drivers and it worked just fine. I cannot do this with Win 2000 as none of my other computers have ACPI as they are all older. Win 2000 must have that to install. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.