Help in memory overclocking


Jun 4, 2003
I have tried to search on past threads/articles on this topic but to no avail. I would appreciate any guide of how/dos and don'ts/rules of thumb, I have a gig of pc 2700 kingston CAS 2.5 ( i am just curious of how far i can push their limits), is all i can do is changing the CAS from 2.5 to 2 (will that improve performance noticebly)?

Appreciate your input.



Apr 30, 2003
Yeah, you want your memory timing as low as you can get them with stability.

CAS 2 should give you a nice gain over CAS 2.5, for me it does.

Some people like speed(mHz) over timings, other timings of speed. I like low timings but I don't mind spending the extra cash for LL mem.

From what I hear Kingston makes decent memory, but I have never used any of their mem. Really the best way to see what it can do is to try it. Just make sure to adjust the mem(I'd stay below 2.9v but thats my opinion) voltage so that it gets enought juice when you up the front side bus, and if you can't change the CPU multiplier you will probably need to give the cpu some voltage too assuming that you you can change these setting in the bios our with jumpers.

Each mem module is different, so you just have to go for it.