Help!! I think I busted my Plexwriter


Senior member
Aug 17, 2000
Call me a dumbass, I know I deserve it but this is what happened. I have my case on the ground like many people do, the CD tray was out and I accidentally kicked it. I didn't even kick it that hard but the tray came out.

The tray does not seem to be damaged and I can still hear the gears spinning when I push the open/close button but when I stick the tray back in, nothing happens.

I can't get the gears to engage in the track under the tray to make it go in and out.

I called Plextor and the warranty on CDRs is only 1 yr and I'm outside the 1 yr period already. They charge a $100 fee to fix CDR(W) outside the warranty period and will give you a refurbished one if they cannot fix it. I have to pay the shipping both ways and from Hawaii, I'm probably looking at $20 each way for a total repair cost of $140 for a CDR that is 18 mos. old.

My 8/20 is almost like new since I don't burn many CDs and I hardly think it costs $100 to put the tray back in assuming I didn't break anything inside. Since Plextor will replace it if they can't fix it, I'm thinking of opening up this thing and trying to see if I can't fix it myself.

Anyone else ever kick the tray out of the CD or CDR(W)? Am I the only clumsy one around here.


Jul 31, 2000
Hey man, I did the EXACT same thing one time. And I took the drive apart and made sure the tray went in properly and its been working fine since! Just take off the metal lid and slide it back in and it should work. I can't remember exactly, it may require a little force. I guess you already put it back in though right? I dunno...I would open it up and see.

Good luck.


Midnight Rambler

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
This won't help with fixing it, but if you used a major credit card to buy the drive, then your warranty is likely two years. Most major cards offer a warranty enhancement where they double the original warranty up to a max of 3 years. Call and see.


Senior member
Sep 22, 2000
I agree with Giz.... If its already screwed whats the worst thats gonna happen.... Cause I doubt you are gonna pay the 140 to have it fixed... Just play with it... cause if it dont work than you cant break it...


Senior member
Aug 17, 2000
Thanks guys, you won't believe took me all but 5 minutes to fix this thing. There a loose plastic gear that came falling out but once I took off the 4 screws holding the metal cover on, it was pretty easy to see where that gear went.

I kind of fiddled a bit and walla, the tray went back in. I put the cover on plugged it in and tested it out and it works just fine. I tightened up the screws put it back in the case and I'm done. Just saved $140 for a repair or even more for a new one, not to mention the 2 weeks I'd be without it.

I can't belive what the Plextor tech support guys told me. Here's the email they sent me and these guys are a joke. It's bad enough the Plextor drives are about the most expensive but on top of that they want to rip you off for repair work that just about anyone can do and certainly guys that tinker w/ computers as much those here, 99.9% of the guys here could have fixed this drive.

I actually spoke to someone on the phone and I also emailed them. Both guys told me the same thing. For all I know, it may have been the same guy that I spoke to that replied to my email LOL.

First is my message to Plextor followed by their response to me.

My email to Plextor:

"My Plexwriter 8/20 was open and I accidentally knocked the tray out and now it won't go back in. The tray does not appear to be broken. I noticed a knotch at the back on the right side but I don't see one on the left side. It does not look like there was one on the left side.

I tried putting it back in but nothing happens. When I push the open button I can hear the gears spinning. Can someone please tell me how to put it back in. I hope I didn't break it."

Plextor's tech support reply to me:

"I think you did break it.

Please visit this link to get information on returning your drive for repair. The RMA policies and procedures are posted and there is also an RMA Request form that you can fill out and send to Plextor to recieve an RMA number to send in your drive.

You can return this filled out form to or fax it to 408-727-1522 to get your RMA number. No returns will be accepted without a valid RMA number.

Plextor CDROM drives are covered by a two year warranty. Plextor CDR(W) recorders are covered by a one year warranty.

Out of warranty repairs are done on a flat rate basis. For CDROM drives it's $65. For CD-R(W) drives, it's $100. You must pay shipping both to and from Plextor on out of warranty drives.

Plextor Support Team - Jack


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 1999
"I think your technical support is a joke. Thanks for offering sound advice."

That's what you should put :)



Golden Member
Apr 25, 2000
Maybe a little hard on the guy. How should he know what was wrong, and even though the guy might think that this is as aesy to repair as scratzing your own bud then the company policies most often is that broken parts should be RMA'ed to Plextor. I've never heard of a company saying..."Ohhh, you just open the box to see if something is lose and then reassemble the thing again...maybe that will work". It would not make sense 'cause maybe you are not afraid of takeing the burner apart but I don't think this is a normal thing for the ordinary people who doesn't play as much with the computer as we do :)

Just my HO

AoD ;)