- Nov 4, 2000
- 3,795
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OK, well i went to format and install win98SE the other night, and i formatted the drive, and started installing. when it got to the point where you log in your name, it flashes the screen for a few seconds and then i get a string of blue-screen errors all in a row. i tryed formatting and installing again, same problem. i tryed formatting and installing win98, winME, winXP... all the same problem, i got a blue screen at just about the same point.
up until after the first restart in the windows installation, everything seems to be working fine, which is what baffles me. i also tryed sticking a harddrive in that already had a full install of winXP home on it, and i got a blue screen with that too (but that coulda been cause winXP doesnt like a whole bunch of hardware changing).
heres my rig setup:
Athlon 1.4 266fsb thermoengine cooler w/ delta fan
Epox 8KHA
512 crucial pc2100 DDR
mx400 diamond sound card
netgear 10/100 nic
maxtor 30 gig ata100 7200rpm
geforce2 pro 32mb w/ tv out
yamaha 16x10x40
32x cd-rom (generic)
antec psu
i have tryed removing all unneeded pci cards, and one of the cdrom drives, leaving only the vid card and the yamaha, and ther ewas no difference. i have narrowed it down to being either a hard drive or a motherboard problem, but i dont know which, or even if those are the right things.
i did open up the comp and do a full de-dusting job before i tryed to reinstall, but i dont think i messed anything up
well, please leave your input/ideas... i will try pretty much anything... but dont really have any $$ to buy newstuff right now
LMK what you think everyone, or if you have had this type of thing happen and resolved it.
up until after the first restart in the windows installation, everything seems to be working fine, which is what baffles me. i also tryed sticking a harddrive in that already had a full install of winXP home on it, and i got a blue screen with that too (but that coulda been cause winXP doesnt like a whole bunch of hardware changing).
heres my rig setup:
Athlon 1.4 266fsb thermoengine cooler w/ delta fan
Epox 8KHA
512 crucial pc2100 DDR
mx400 diamond sound card
netgear 10/100 nic
maxtor 30 gig ata100 7200rpm
geforce2 pro 32mb w/ tv out
yamaha 16x10x40
32x cd-rom (generic)
antec psu
i have tryed removing all unneeded pci cards, and one of the cdrom drives, leaving only the vid card and the yamaha, and ther ewas no difference. i have narrowed it down to being either a hard drive or a motherboard problem, but i dont know which, or even if those are the right things.
i did open up the comp and do a full de-dusting job before i tryed to reinstall, but i dont think i messed anything up
well, please leave your input/ideas... i will try pretty much anything... but dont really have any $$ to buy newstuff right now
LMK what you think everyone, or if you have had this type of thing happen and resolved it.