Ok people this is my last hope, I am doing my best to help my daughter study for finals, everything was going good until we reached the chapter on "Geometry Proofs". Ok, we past the point that I could offer help long ago..... Anyway this is the problem we are stuck with and need assistance badly.
Line AE intersets line DB, C is the point where they cross.
segment AE is congruent to segement DB
Given: segement AE is congruent to segement DB
segement CD is congruent to segement CE
Prove: segement AC is congruent to BC
(two-column proof)
Come on people I need assistance....................
Line AE intersets line DB, C is the point where they cross.
segment AE is congruent to segement DB
Given: segement AE is congruent to segement DB
segement CD is congruent to segement CE
Prove: segement AC is congruent to BC
(two-column proof)
Come on people I need assistance....................