Help: I am building my new computer tomorrow Need tips


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2000
Ok, I'm taking my gateway and pulling all the best components and putting in my new computer. What should I do first? Put components in,check them,run fdisk,create partitions.
Any sites with detailed info on what to do?
thanks a ton


Feb 15, 2000
If you're keeping all the software and OS, fdisk and formatting are not required and will just add alot of complexity. Make sure you double check all jumpers then check them again before powering on.


Feb 22, 2000
Oh man....there's so much, more than I have time for, but...

1) Personally, I would wipe the drive and use the drive mfg util to prepare it, NOT fdisk. Don't leave ur old OS on there and just plug it into the new hardware, ur asking for problems if u do.

2) Install all the drives in the case before the mobo. Much easier than the reverse.

3) Only install the minimum hardware needed to post the machine, just to make sure the mobo is good. (it sucks when you put EVERYTHING in and it doesnt post)

hope that helps a little!!


Senior member
Feb 7, 2001
I can personally attest to badthad's recommendation to reinstalling the OS. I did not and am still reeling from the repercussions after a month.


Feb 15, 2000
badthad: personally I disagree with you on the manufacturer's disk. Those diskmangler programs tend to cause more problems than they fix.


Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
Personally, I've never had any problems with FDISK. I know there's an updated version for the version that came with Microsoft Windows 98SE, but if it ain't broke...

Also, I am not sure what you mean by "pulling all the best components" (does this include the mainboard?), but I will assume that you'll be transferring items such as your display adapter and sound card to a new mainboard.

In your case, I would first back up the data you will want to use on your new PC to a CD-R. Alternatively, if you have a secondary HD available, you may wish to copy files from your current HD to this drive instead. (Set it up as the D: drive after you install the OS on the new HD (or E:, F:, G:, ... if you create more than one partition on the primary HD), and from there install any programmes and/or copy documents you need to your primary HD.)

Next, I would wipe my primary HD by running FDISK to remove any current partition(s). Reboot, and run FDISK again to to create a partition(s). Reboot again, and format this drive. If you've done all that, but haven't transferred this drive to your new computer, now would be a good time... :) To start off, make sure that you only have the following components installed:

- mainboard
- CPU (don't forget HS&F, Arctic Silver, etc.)
- freshly formatted HD
- CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive
- display adapter

Next, install your OS of choice either by booting from a startup disk, or from the CD directly. (I assume you want to install Windows 98SE/Me, Windows 2000.) After installation is complete, and all settings are correct (resolution, folder options, etc.), it is time to start adding the rest of your components: CD-RW, sound card, modem/nic, etc. After adding a component, start the computer and install the necessary software/drivers. Do not add another component until the previous is completely set up and all drivers have been installed. You'll find it much easier to solve a problem if you do it like this, as you'll at least know what component/software is at fault.

After all has been set up correctly, you can start installing seperate programmes from the CD-R. (If you decided to use a secondary HD for backup, shut down the PC and add it to your system. If you wish to keep using it, set it up as Secondary Master if possible; else, it's fine anyway you prefer, as it'll be removed soon after.)

Next, install your favourite game and frag away... :)


Feb 22, 2000
Demon - Have you ever used IBM drive guide or WDC easy drive? I've used fdisk for years and by far these programs blow it away on a new zeroed drive, esp. drive guide. I can partition and format a 45 gig drive with drive guide in 1-2 minutes. Try doing this with fdisk, between the reboots and the formatting it's going to take you an hour to complete the same task.


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2000
you all were very helpful :) especially you aakoch
I just got my antec sx830, asus a7vkt133a and 1.2 ghz tbird w/ 266 bus
I will back up my info to cdr and I'm glad you told me to fdisk the hdd's on my old computer before installing in my new one.
I'm taking the smaller faster one and putting it in the new one.
then using the left over components to assemble another cpu.
thanks a lot guys