Help! Explorer doesn't load after PC is d/c'd from the router!


Senior member
Oct 11, 2000
I was having problems before streaming video through the net using my SMC Barricade 7004BR. I never got that resolved so last night, I d/c'd the router from the modem and connected it(modem) directly to the NIC on my computer. Everything was fine. I was still able to get online and stream the video fine. Today, however, when I turned on the PC, it would just load my wallpaper and it would stay there and when i ctrl+alt+delete, the only item in the close program window is "Explorer(not responding). So I turned off the PC, connected it to the router again and it booted up fine.

Is there any way to avoid this? I'm using WinME with PIII 500mhz, 384MB RAM.
