HELP!!...can't read a partition..


Jul 31, 2000
OK heres the problem. I have 2 hard drives. The first is my Maxtor 15 gig which I had partitioned into two a c: and e: Win2k was on c: and e: had all important files which I at the moment cannot see. The other drive d: is my old Fujitsu. I tried installing Mandrake Linux on the d: and it didn't work...some boot up error "stage1". So now I couldn't boot into anything anymore. After trying hard to re-install win2k it would not work. I noticed when booting into DOS that my e: was not being recognized anymore. After fdisk /mbr....I was able to boot into win2k. I can see my d: (fujitsu) and only my c: my first partition. When looking under disk manager my Maxtor c: is shown and the exact size of my e:... which isn't listed as e: ... reads as a green bar "free space". Is there ANYYYY way to get the information back from that partition?? I have important files on the drive. Help my please....


Senior member
Mar 12, 2000
When I was messing around with Linux a few years ago (not going to again for a while...:eek:), I found that formatting my C:\ or linux partitions screwed up the data in the other partitions. I never could get it back...:(

What happens when you boot with only the Maxtor drive in? If you can, try the Maxtor in another computer and boot off of it with no other drives attached.



Jul 31, 2000
I have no idea.....but I can tell you know that the drive is even worse off. After trying to make a logical drive of the free space on my maxtor....the computer on reboot was hosed saying..cannot find logical drive on HDD...please insert system disk. I took it out and tried it on another computer...and the drive was not readable under windows 98. It only sees a c: (no e:) and it cannot access the drive. I think its so gone...somebody has told me there is a software called Tiramisu that can restore any data on a drive before format....heard of it at all? Thanks for the help....
