Help - Can't get my modem to run in linux


Senior member
May 29, 2001
I have a hardware modem. The US Robotics CP5610. I am running Mandrake 8.1.

I checked my com port in windows. It says the modem is on COM3. So during install I set-up the modem on com3 (ttys2).

Eveytime I try to use the modem it says "Looking for modem..." Followed by "Sorry, the modem is busy".

I entered the control center and tried to use the configuration utility there for my modem, but it spits back the my modem is a winmodem and to check a website that actually reafirms that the CP5610 is a hardware modem? Which doens't make sense?

I know there is a RPM package for this modem. Do I need to install that? If so how?

Do I need to install drivers for my other peripherals if Mandrake has detected them?


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
Is it an internal modem? If so, no matter what the website says, it's a winmodem. There's no such thing as an internal hardware modem, at least not anymore. :(

Anyway, yes, you probably DO need to install that RPM. Download it to your home directory, open up a terminal, and follow along:

1. whoami
If it says "root", skip the next step.

2. su
If you set a root password during setup, enter it now.

3. rpm -ivh (name of rpm)

The RPM is now installed. The rest you need to figure out yourself, or ask someone farmiliar with that modem.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
There are internal "hardware" modems, in that they have an onboard DSP, that's what the term "hardware modem" means to alot of manufacturers apparently, but the com settings are hosed and not adjustable in the OS. If you have a modem that will not let you change com ports at will, it will give you problems in Linux.


Senior member
May 29, 2001
Ok I can get my modem to function by using the terminal and doing the following:

Get into the root/dev folder ( [root@localhot dev] # )
setserial -bg ttyS3
setserial ttyS3 irq 9 port 0xe000 ^fourport ^auto_irq skip_test auctoconfig spq_vhi

Those two commands seem to somehow reinitiate my modem or serial port and then things run ok.

However, when I reboot the change does not remain in effect. Each time I reboot I have to login to the root and redo the changes, then logout and into my user.

How do I make these changes perminant?


Senior member
May 29, 2001
Got it...

You have to add the long line...
setserial /dev/ttyS3 irq 9 port 0xe000 ^fourport ^auto_irq skip_test auctoconfig spq_vhi
to the end of the rc.local file.

Now it works everytime I boot up without having to redo it.

Anybody know how to get a windows dial-up networking script to run in the linux internet dialer (KPPP)?


Golden Member
Apr 9, 2001

<< Is it an internal modem? If so, no matter what the website says, it's a winmodem. There's no such thing as an internal hardware modem, at least not anymore >>

Thats BS. I have a USR 56K Performance Pro modem that does work with Linux kernel 2.2 and above, and it even says so on the box, and it is a PCI card.