BTW that $109 15Gb IBM HDD is a 75GXP, so it's just about the best drive on the market, Quiet, Fast, and IBM relieghable...
and as far as size, how big of a Word, Excel or even a PowerPoint Presentation do you think most SOHO machines will ever see?? 15Gb is volumous IMO...
and the video, I went with the TNT only because Matrox has "some" troubles with VIA chipsets, I think they are worked out, but wasn't exactly sure... I love my G200, and All Matrox cards, I'd definitely recomend it if someone's got experience with them in a KX133...
G200 is $59 (8Mb)
G400 is $109 (32Mb)
G400 DH is $145 (32Mb)
not the best prices, but average ones...