HELP: Abismal performance on my new Duron 600


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000

I just finished putting together my replacement system (I had a defective VT6x4 motherboard) and as such I opted for a Asus a7v w/ a duron 600.

Now I carried over some of my old components so my system looks as follows:
300W ATX case
a7v w/o audio
duron 600
3d Prophet 2 32MB
SB Live Value
REaltek 8139a nic
20GB Quantum LM HD
160MB of ram (1 128 PC 133, and 1 32MB pc 100 strip, both clocked @ 100)

Now, this system should be able to perform rather well especially with the Geforce 2 in it. However it seems to lag quite a bit and when I ran 3d Marks 2000 v1.1 the score was ABISMAL! (It's almost embarising @ 1700 marks... my v3 scored higher then that!)

Now I don't know what I've done wrong. Everything was/is in fine working order, I didn't change anything fancy in the computer, heck I even disabled the Promise ata 100 controller. If anyone has any ideas I would be greatly pleased as I'm at my wits end trying to diagnose this problem.

The cool thing though is that all of the parts, save the Live and nic can be returned and replaced <G>


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000

I am such a clueless fool.

So I download WCPUID to check what AGP I'm working on and I find out that Winme has buggured up and didn't install the AGP driver for the Mobo... OOPS! I reinstall the 4.25a drivers and all is good now.

Thanks for the help