Help.... 2003 server crashed


Senior member
Dec 19, 2001
My win/2003 server at home crashed... and I'm not using RAID.

I am hoping to recover most all of my C drive, as all of my non-installed program stuff is on another physical drive.

I am hoping to install Ghost on a working box, insert my bad disk (hopefully it will start up as a slave disk), and connect a new harddrive as well.

Then I am hoping to ghost the bad disk to the new disk.

I know this plan sounds assanine, but I'm not sure what I can do other than to rebuild the server from scratch, which is my plan 'B'.


Senior member
Dec 19, 2001
Yes, I am running win/2003 at home... long story, but my former company gave me a copy due to they having legal rights to use it, but not permitted to use all of the discs at the corporation....

I have two physical drives broken up as 1st physical drive = C and the 2nd physical drive has drives E->H

The second drive is fine, but the 1st drive which was my boot drive has crapped out.

I need a way to get the info off of it so that I can try to avoid reinstalling WIN/2003 as well as the apps that need to be installed and configured. :(