Heatsink is hot hot hot!


Golden Member
Feb 20, 2000
Well, i'm currently running a 1700+XP TBredB @ 2.1Ghz (10.5X200) @ 1.625 (but the BIOS overvolts up to 0.6volts) and my question is, according to my MBM5, it has 3 temps and they are 50, 60, and 45. I'm running a MSI k7N2-L and so i know 40 is the chipset, but the 50 kinda hops up and down (is that the on-board diode?) and the 60 just kinda sits at well, 60. So i konw people keep asking this, but i guess i'm really asking K7N2-L users, is 45 really hot for the chip and 50 (i'll assume it's the on-board diode) really hot? If i feel my heatsink (which is a Volcano 7 with a TMD mounted on it, cools great btw =)) the heatsink gets pretty hot, not as hot as my TBird 1.4 @ 1.6 and 1.85 volts, but hot none-theless, it was much cooler at 1.55 volts and 2.00 ghz. Guess my question is it too hot? It seems to be stable (been priming for about hmm.... 2 hours?)

Edit: Oops.. forgot to ask, i was wondering if i wanted to replace my VOlcano 7 w/ TMD fan, what should i replace it with? I'm thinking i might get a Volcano 11 and put my TMD fan on it, or can i use a SLK 800 with a TMD? I guess i like the noise level on my TMD, so not really looking to replace it, but want to know whether it'd mount on a SLK 800.


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001
I'm not totally familiar with the new TBreds since I went Intel, but XPs are good to like 70-80 Deg C, aren't they? I'd say you're just fine as long as she's stable and you've got good airflow.


Golden Member
Feb 10, 2003
The warning zone on all AMD processors is about the lower 60s (in Centigrade of course). once it gets higher you should start worrying.

Plus the hotter the CPU, the less it's life span.