Heat or Voltage?


Junior Member
Oct 8, 2004
I just purchased a Athlon XP 2500M and have a question. I am new to this so please be patient.

  • #1)When over clocking I understand increasing voltage also increases heat. However does increasing the multiplier also increase heat?
  • #2) Does having the processor clocked as high as possable decrease the live span dramatically even if it stays within acceptable temps?
  • #3) Or Does simply having it clocked that high with a voltage of say 1.9+ or higher and a FSB over 200+mhz simply shorten the life spany anyway. Even with liquid cooling?

Thanks Everyone:confused:


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
Any increase in fsb with an increase in voltage will cause the temps to rise, whether you use just fsb or fsb and the multiplier. Keeping the voltage at 1.7 or less will not dramatically reduce the lifespan of the cpu. Above 1.7 is a gamble, even with water cooling. I use 1.65 (actual volts as measured in the bios) for a mobile, but leave the voltage at default for a regular barton, as my mobo doesn't support voltage adjustments. Some boards won't go higher than about 12.5 on the multiplier anyway with the fsb set at 200 or higher.


Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
1) Yes it will. More mhz = more heat.
2) Generally no, though with high overvolts some processors have been known to slowly (and occassionally, quickly) die.
3) I'm unaware of a widespread problem such as this with XPs. Personally I only ever ran with 1.90vcore+ on a barton for a few months. If your temps are good, I wouldn't expect problems. However, it is possible that it could shorten the processors lifespan. How much however, can't be known.