Heat makes Pat Robertson a global warming "convert"


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Conservative Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson said on Thursday the wave of scorching temperatures across the United States has converted him into a believer in global warming.

"We really need to address the burning of fossil fuels," Robertson said on his "700 Club" broadcast. "It is getting hotter, and the icecaps are melting and there is a buildup of carbon dioxide in the air."

This week the heat index, the perceived temperature based on both air temperatures and humidity, reached 115 Fahrenheit in some regions of the U.S. East Coast. The 76-year-old Robertson told viewers that was "the most convincing evidence I've seen on global warming in a long time."

Last year, Robertson said natural disasters affecting the globe, including hurricanes Katrina and Rita that wrecked the U.S. Gulf Coast, might be signs that the biblical apocalypse was nearing.

The issue has divided conservative Christians.

In October, Robertson, a former Republican presidential candidate, said the National Association of Evangelicals was teaming up with "far left environmentalists" for saying global warming was caused by humans and needed to be mitigated.

Signers of that statement included California mega-church pastor Rick Warren, author of the bestselling "The Purpose Driven Life."

In the late 1990s, Robertson paid at least $300,000 to investigate the revival of an oil refinery east of Los Angeles. The bid was unsuccessful.

Forget the 10,000 scientist, it's hot out so it must be true! I love how religious zealots come around eventually, it's been like that since the dawn of man. Science makes a claim, years later the religious leaders and then their sheep accept it.



Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Todd33

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Conservative Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson said on Thursday the wave of scorching temperatures across the United States has converted him into a believer in global warming.

"We really need to address the burning of fossil fuels," Robertson said on his "700 Club" broadcast. "It is getting hotter, and the icecaps are melting and there is a buildup of carbon dioxide in the air."

This week the heat index, the perceived temperature based on both air temperatures and humidity, reached 115 Fahrenheit in some regions of the U.S. East Coast. The 76-year-old Robertson told viewers that was "the most convincing evidence I've seen on global warming in a long time."

Last year, Robertson said natural disasters affecting the globe, including hurricanes Katrina and Rita that wrecked the U.S. Gulf Coast, might be signs that the biblical apocalypse was nearing.

The issue has divided conservative Christians.

In October, Robertson, a former Republican presidential candidate, said the National Association of Evangelicals was teaming up with "far left environmentalists" for saying global warming was caused by humans and needed to be mitigated.

Signers of that statement included California mega-church pastor Rick Warren, author of the bestselling "The Purpose Driven Life."

In the late 1990s, Robertson paid at least $300,000 to investigate the revival of an oil refinery east of Los Angeles. The bid was unsuccessful.

Forget the 10,000 scientist, it's hot out so it must be true! I love how religious zealots come around eventually, it's been like that since the dawn of man. Science makes a claim, years later the religious leaders and then their sheep accept it.

As many hits as he gets from you on his website. Your probably really helping his advertisers:laugh:


Senior member
Dec 21, 2005
The phrase "Global Warming" is becoming a powerful buzzword. The reality is there are many cause and effect factors out there that are indeed effecting the weather. To say the problem is ALL due to increasingly higher levels of C02 gases is untrue.

The Pentagon says flat out that their goal is to be able to militarily control the weather by 2025. That's not tinfoil "theory". That's on the record as fact. They themselves said it and guess what, Russia has been even more aggressive in these same goals. So there's a war going on for control of our skies. As hostile opposing sides wrestle with nature to try to control it. That's fact not theory. We can often see the weird cloud formations caused by Scaler weather modification.

There's no "converting" to a Global Warming theory to be done. Rational people just need to gather as many facts as they can and speak out on this very important subject if and when a serious series of hot years and rising sea levels occurs. There is a trend towards hotter that we do genuinely need to be concerned about.

Sea levels are rising. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3?img_id=17300

That's the one scientific fact that can be measured around the entire planet and not be fudged or faked by corrupt Governments. Future predictions using the World's fastest supercomputers that factor in a huge amount of past and present factual data and then use statistical sciences to guess the future are being used by some to prove Global Warming. There's that buzzword again.

However, ...remember this. Things get messy as soon as scientists start making guesses and politicians start interpreting those guesses. I say study the facts people. Watch the receeding glaciers everywhere and not just the two polar ice caps. Watch the sea levels. Measure actual polution levels and gases. Keep track of as much factualdata as you can. Study to total picture. Don't get wrapped up in theories. Theories are just tools used to form a framework out of scattered and incomplete facts in your brain. Like a detective who solves a complex crime using just clues.

In my opinion if mankind can control the weather by the year 2025, they can cool off the planet as well as make it hotter. If we the people had that power and not the extremely corrupt National Security State that transfers so much knowledge and invention out of our hands, ...we could deal with Global Warming. As it is called by Pat Robertson. We could deal with it all. Heat waves, drought, hurricanes/cyclones, ozone levels and sea levels. Agreed? Suppression of scientific discovery has to end.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
In Robertson's case, he's probably just feeling the heat from whatever hell he believes exists. He gets closer every time he opens his lunatic mouth. :p
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Todd33

Forget the 10,000 scientist, it's hot out so it must be true! I love how religious zealots come around eventually, it's been like that since the dawn of man. Science makes a claim, years later the religious leaders and then their sheep accept it.

What does his religion have to do with anything? Lots of "religious" people believe in GW just as there are athiests who claim it's all part of a natural climatic cycle. I don't see where religion plays any part here. Now if you just happen to think that Pat is an idiot, then fine, I agree. But I don't see how his faith enters into the discussion.

Or is this just another convenient reason for you to bash people of faith?


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
What does his religion have to do with anything? Lots of "religious" people believe in GW just as there are athiests who claim it's all part of a natural climatic cycle. I don't see where religion plays any part here. Now if you just happen to think that Pat is an idiot, then fine, I agree. But I don't see how his faith enters into the discussion.
Ummm... Sorry to make a point of the obvious, but Robertson is the subject of the thread, and he, himself is the one who brings his version of religion to the discussion.

Now, if you just happen to think he's an idiot, you're in the majority of rational, thinking people. :cool:

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
No one---repeat no one should pay any attention to Pat Robertson.

If he happens to speak the truth once in a while its just a totally by chance random event---not a trend.----it takes far more talent to be wrong 100% of the time---so your negative barometers should be GWB, Rush Limbaugh, and Rumsfeld---with honorable mention to Rice.


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2003
Old Pat is worried that HEAT he feels is actually God biting at his heals. And a little hint what is in store for good old Pat. (boy, is it hot in here, or just me??)


Jan 4, 2001
Once it's winter, he'll be back to normal, yelling about how global warming isn't happening and they're all pushing their Satanic/liberal/atheistic/secular agenda on the good God-fearing people.

I would also love to know how exactly anyone plans to control the weather. Doing so would take an incredible amount of resources. We're talking about combating the effects of a huge amount of solar energy over a whole planet. According to NASA, over a year, Earth receives 1.7 x 10^17 watts of power = 170,000,000,000,000,000 watts. 170 Million gigawatts.

Now, it may be possible to put chemicals into the atmosphere to cause rain, that's been done. But anything on a very large scale could not only be quite difficult, but dangerous as well. Causing predictable weather patterns in one region could cause devastating storms elsewhere, and not very predictably.


Dec 19, 2005
I don't really care why he's decided to jump on the global-warming bandwagon -- just that he has. I've run into too many evangelical Christians to count that don't think any environmental issue is a problem... Never mind that idea than humans are supposed to be stewards of the world. The idea seems to be popular that "we're in the end times anyhow so why worry about it?" Everyone's so busy waiting for the apocalypse that they're helping usher in a different kind of apocalypse. If a evangelical religious leader wants to adopt a position that might help the environment instead of justifying ecological disruption, then I'm for it.

Perhaps the "Inconvenient Christians" (http://inconvenientchristians.org/) are getting some attention?

While I don't really concern myself with what Robertson believes, LOTS of people really do care what he thinks. Robertson has many, many followers and many more who will go along with his positions because of his perceived moral authority. Most of those people fall into the U.S. Republican 'base'. If Robertson holds this position then it might actually get some of the conservative right on board for some environmental reforms. Maybe. (hopefully)


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Todd33

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Conservative Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson said on Thursday the wave of scorching temperatures across the United States has converted him into a believer in global warming.

"We really need to address the burning of fossil fuels," Robertson said on his "700 Club" broadcast. "It is getting hotter, and the icecaps are melting and there is a buildup of carbon dioxide in the air."

This week the heat index, the perceived temperature based on both air temperatures and humidity, reached 115 Fahrenheit in some regions of the U.S. East Coast. The 76-year-old Robertson told viewers that was "the most convincing evidence I've seen on global warming in a long time."

Last year, Robertson said natural disasters affecting the globe, including hurricanes Katrina and Rita that wrecked the U.S. Gulf Coast, might be signs that the biblical apocalypse was nearing.

The issue has divided conservative Christians.

In October, Robertson, a former Republican presidential candidate, said the National Association of Evangelicals was teaming up with "far left environmentalists" for saying global warming was caused by humans and needed to be mitigated.

Signers of that statement included California mega-church pastor Rick Warren, author of the bestselling "The Purpose Driven Life."

In the late 1990s, Robertson paid at least $300,000 to investigate the revival of an oil refinery east of Los Angeles. The bid was unsuccessful.

Forget the 10,000 scientist, it's hot out so it must be true! I love how religious zealots come around eventually, it's been like that since the dawn of man. Science makes a claim, years later the religious leaders and then their sheep accept it.

Now if only we could prove the claim was true.....

Let me be clear, I am NOT saying global warming isn't happening just that you can't prove it in the sense the politicans are talking about. The earth IS warming up, it IS a proven cycle, but there is almost NO evidence that we are making it worse.

Are we sure DMCowen!=Pat Roberts? He claimed global warming was occuring because of a 5 day heat wave. Great minds or something like that....


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
The global warming threads are always a good read...

As for the Pentagon controlling the weater by 2025 - wow...just wow...we can't predict the weather, now we are going to control it? Good luck with that. You are not Mulder...or Scully....

I have yet to understand the people who say "there is no proof we are making things worse". Can you at least consider the fact that we continue to burn fossil fuels at ever-increasing rates, and this is something that has never before happened on this planet?

Yes, looking back historically there were cycles in weather patterns...and ice ages, etc, etc...but those were all 'naturally' ocurring cycles....mankind continues to fill the air with crap that otherwise wouldn't be taking place..by definition, when you add a variable to the equation, you are changing the natural process. I'll agree that the amount of impact isn't known with 100% accuracy, but I'm willing to be our impact hasn't been a good one!


Sep 26, 2000
Solution to global warming?
Shut Pat Robertsons mouth.
It would be a good start.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Pat for presedent of '08!

I bet he would do a better job then bush!

Then again it's not asking much....


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: judasmachine
Originally posted by: techs
Solution to global warming?
Shut Pat Robertsons mouth.
It would be a good start.

Can I get a amen?!?!
* AMEN, brother! :thumbsup: :cool: :thumbsup:

* Remember, I'm an atheist.


Senior member
Jan 12, 2006
10,000 scientists and years of reasearch? Psh. No such thing. Wait..temperature..rising..heat..burning..it must be real!