Headphones for gaming + onboard sound question


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2008
I'm looking for some headphones for pc/360 gaming. No music, movies, just gaming. Sound quality is obviously important, but just as important is positional audio, I want to be able to pinpoint where sound is coming from, front back left right etc.

I researched much and seems 5.1 headsets are considered not too great, good stereo headphones are a better choice. This true for positional audio? I've read HD555 do surround well, but they $200 (canadian) at NCIX / Futureshop. I am willing to spend that if it is REALLY the best choice for JUST gaming.

Secondly, when going to headphones, is it by far better to have a sound card (X-Fi gamer for example, or grab the Audigy 2ZS from my current comp, but head probs with Vista+EAX) to have the best positional audio/sound experience? I will have an Abit IP35 Pro motherboard with the Realtek ALC888 codec. Will this work well or best to grab the card? Thinking games like Hellgate, TF2, COD4.

Whats the diff from EAX 2.0 to EAX5? That big of a diff?

Card + headphones if I go HD555 is $400ish after tax, other equal options for less for what I'm looking for? From a retailer prefferably in British Columbia, Canada. Even better if at a local place like Futureshop / Visions / Audiotronics.


Mar 22, 2006
Pinpoint sound placement depends more on your source rather than the headphones. That said, I had perfect sound placement in CS Source with my Chaintech AV710 and Grado SR60s (headphones which don't have a good reputation as far as soundstage goes).

HD555s are nice, but if you're not gonna be listening to music they're probably overkill. It's been a while since I've looked up Sennheiser's headset lines (PC150 and PC165), but those used to be the ones everyone recommended for gaming. They should also be cheaper than the HD555 as well.

As for your source, I recommend you use your onboard sound first and see if the placement is good enough for you. It was for me; after I got my X-Fi I didn't really notice any dramatic changes in sound accuracy.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
Source games dont use the sound card for positional audio. games that do- u want an x-fi. i would try your audigy2 zs 1st tho. the x-fi does headphones 3d sound a little better than the audigy.
a store called getpartsonline.com sells sennheiser cans cheap-try them-they ship to canada. the hd500 series sounds great in games


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
Have you looked on the Head-Fi forums for a used pair of 555's? I've seen them in brand new condition for as low as $80, some people have gotten them for lower.