headphones as pc speaker for diagnosis purposes


Junior Member
Aug 15, 2010
Hello people,
Yesterday, while I playing some 3d game my ~3 year old e6700/asus p5b shut down. From that point on I couldnt get it to POST. I tried pinpointing the problem, removed everything but ram/cpu/video card. Even tried without video card and ram, same thing happens: both hdd led/power led remain on (even if I dont have any hdd plugged in). this led me to think that at least one of the mobo/cpu/psu(even though fans work) is dead.

Second problem is that I have no pc speaker. the mobo has 4 pins for connecting case speakers but my case hasnt any. However the case does have a front panel with a jack connector that I thought I might plug into the pc speaker connector and use some headphones for diagnosis. Could this work ? the speaker pins on the mobo are named as follows: 2 grounds, one 5V+ and 1 speaker. I have 0 electronics experience but my gut feeling tells me that I should use a ground and the speaker pins.

Help is really appreciated,