hdtv recommendations?


Junior Member
Jun 12, 2009
I'm going to be looking to buy a new hdtv in the next month or so and while I have a grasp of the terminology, I don't really know what makes a particular tv better than the one next to it. This is what I'm looking for:
I'm going to be using it primarily for console gaming(hd and sd games).
I would prefer something in the 400-650$ range but could go as high as 750-800.
I'm looking 32-42 inch. I think I'd prefer mid-high 30's, but if I saw a 42 that was priced right I certainly wouldn't turn it down. Bigger than 42 inch just looks odd to me and would be hard to fit in my room.
I was originally looking at just lcd but if there is a good quality plasma in my price range I'd certainly look at it.
I'd prefer 1080p but will look at 720p if the price/quality difference is large.
I'm not going to be wall hanging it.
I sit 6-7' or so away as a general rule.
I need a component hookup, other hookups are handy.
My primary concern is quality as long as it is in my price range. I've seen too many lcd's that blur motion terribly in SD games and I'd prefer a crt over that.

The people on this forum seem to collectively know what's going on, so I'd like to ask for your recommendations.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2006
Spend $600 and get a 42" Panasonic or Samsung plasma because plasma handles motion better than LCD. I would go over all of the other reasons why, but this forum is so full of the LCD vs. Plasma debate that if you do a simple search, you'll find your answer.


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2002
I did weeks of research into tv's...certain I'd end up with LCD. Guess what...46" Panasonic plasma G10. If you go plasma, you will have to get at least a 42" set...they don't come any smaller. I'd suggest the 42" G10. Go to AVSforum.com or Highdefforum.com for some good discussion of both types of TV.


Platinum Member
Jul 12, 2007
If your main concern is console gaming, go LCD. While modern plasma's don't suffer from burn-in anymore, they can still get image retention which most people will mistake for burn-in. If you really spend endless hours gaming you'll feel much more confident with an LCD. Samsung is definitely a top contender in LCDs, their black levels approach plasma's even. As bones said, 42" is the bottom size for plasma. I'd also check out the difference between 720p and 1080p at your viewing distance, especially if you're going under 40" - I'm not even sure how small of sets they make 1080p at. Keep in mind though that generally sets in stores are under fluorescent lighting and turned on torch mode because of that so things tend to look quite a bit different at home.

And before I get jumped on since the LCD vs Plasma thing is always a touchy subject, I own a Samsung Plasma and couldn't be happier with it. In this case though I think an LCD is a better fit.


Junior Member
Jun 12, 2009
I ended up going with the panasonic 42" plasma. I'm extremely pleased with it thus far. Thank you for your help.


Golden Member
Oct 20, 2000
. If you go plasma, you will have to get at least a 42" set...they don't come any smaller. I'd suggest the 42" G10. Go to AVSforum.com or Highdefforum.com for some good discussion of both types of TV.

Good choice, but Vizio and LG both made a 32" Plasma. They are hard to find, but when they were around, Wal-Mart carried them.


Feb 15, 2006
I ended up going with the panasonic 42" plasma. I'm extremely pleased with it thus far. Thank you for your help.

Did you grab the Panasonic TC-P42X1? That's the one I grabbed last week and am also really happy with it.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
Did you grab the Panasonic TC-P42X1? That's the one I grabbed last week and am also really happy with it.

BoomerD and I both one upped you by getting the TC-P50X1 :awe:
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Feb 15, 2006
^^ I would have gotten that but the wall it goes on fits the 42" better. Figures because Sears has the 50" for only 100 more, but I'm not going to complain too much as this thing is great.