Have i made the right choice going from Grapich Card brands


Junior Member
Sep 20, 2003
Have i made the right choice going from Grapich Card brands because, i am looking from going from my NVidia GeForce 4 MX420 to a Gigabyte GV-R96P128D Radeon 9600 Pro. Also would this card work on AGP 4X because in a review it says this:

We were a bit disappointed to see the Gigabyte Radeon 9600 Pro will not work with older motherboards which are not at least AGP 4x compliant

Does this mean it works on AGP 4X or not and also does 9600 Pro`s work on AGP 4X, because my birthday is on 8th Oct 2003 and i got to tell my mum, and dad what Grapichs Card i want because my sister is buying me HL 2 and i am buying a 9600 Pro to play HL 2 on it. Also i nearly decided to go with a FX 5600 Ultra but after reading lots of, reviews and posts on this forum and other forums i decided to go to a Gigabyte GV-R96P128D Radeon 9600 Pro.

Also should i have all the cables for TV Out with it and how, well has it ran on Doom 3 or GTA VC on a 9600 Pro or do you think it will run on Doom 3 on a 9600 Pro.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
I would say you made a good choice to switch to an ATI card if you're buying at this time.

On your AGP question, it sounds like it should work with AGP 4x, but not with older 2x or 1x limited motherboards.

One would hope Doom 3 would run fine on a 9600 Pro, or id is selling to a pretty limited market. Of course the rest of your components such as your CPU and amount of memory play a part too.

I don't really know anything about GTA VC, except that they're currently being sued by the parents of some kids that stole a car and killed some one...


Junior Member
Sep 20, 2003
Also i found a review a cvople minutes back today and looked at alianwares web site aswell and they said it works on AGP 4X yey, also i know about GTA VC also i am getting it for Stalker aswell. Aswell i am getting it for these games aswell:

Battlefield: 1942
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Unreal Tournament 2004
The Sims 2
Splinter Cell 2
and Microsoft Flight Sim 2003 or 2004

Also would my 8MB Cache 7200RPM 120GB HDD do the job, very well with the 9600 Pro and would it give it the extra bit of speed.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The HD shouldn't make any difference in gameplay (other than making you wait less as it loads the games).


Junior Member
Sep 20, 2003
OK is £130.00 a good price for this also, how good is the cooling system would i need extra cooling for it because i have a 4550. Also whats the, highest temp it can get.