Has my clan dropped me?!


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
okay, to give a little bit of a background, I love the game Dark ForcesII: Jedi Knight. I've learned to play well, and began to play online. When I got the hang of it and started racking up kills like mad, I went looking for a clan to join. I found one. I got better from learning from them. I began helping the top level clan leader initiate new clan members even: he'd watch as I fought the new initiate. All is well.

Our clan went through some changes, possibly thinking about merging with another clan, getting our own complete domain URL, etc.

Well, when I checked back at our site to see if there was any new news I also checked the "members" page to see if there were any new recruits to add to my contact list.

I didn't see my name.

Or anyone else's besides the two clan leaders, the webmaster's member listing, and a leader in training's listing. I simply emailed the first level leader to ask what the hell is going on. No response in three weeks. So I emailed the webmaster a week later. No response. I've just emailed the leader-in-training, so we'll see how that goes.

I really don't want to be in any other clan, but if I'm getting screwed, they don't deserve me playing for them.