CoD is the new "it" for screaming 10 year olds, yes.
It seems like it to me. Halo used to be disparaged by older gamers as a "kiddie game." Now the kiddies have moved on and I almost think Halo has come full circle, with the earlier installments evoking feelings of nostalgia in gamers who are now in their mid to late 20s (remember, the original game came out ten years ago, when we were teenagers!).
I'm certainly looking forward to the Halo CE remake coming this year.
Even though I let my son play Halo: Reach, I won't let him play COD. Just a different level of maturity needed IMHO.
I suppose, but I really wish adventure games would come back in a big way.
When I was a teenager I loved Doom AND Monkey Island and Full throttle, like, just as much. Then I played Grim Fandango and I was blown away.
I just wish we had more well written, funny, story driven games for kids.
Even though I let my son play Halo: Reach, I won't let him play COD. Just a different level of maturity needed IMHO.
I actually understand that. Plus I think the violence is much more realistic in CoD.
I will never buy a CoD-type game. They bore the living crap out of me, and they're WAY too numerous with the countless sequels.
They seem to only appeal to people who salivate over the 2nd Amendment, and lack any real substance as a game. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the FPS genre, but CoD is just a cookie-cutter formula for people who like to stare a guns.
halo was awesome in that it had a great and memorable story as well as great shooter dynamics. modern shooters like COD are severely lacking in the story department.
If you're saying that Halo is a retro shooter.... /facepalm
Anyone under 20 doesn't know jack about real shooters.
If you're saying that Halo is a retro shooter.... /facepalm
Anyone under 20 doesn't know jack about real shooters.
I suppose, but I really wish adventure games would come back in a big way.
When I was a teenager I loved Doom AND Monkey Island and Full throttle, like, just as much. Then I played Grim Fandango and I was blown away.
I just wish we had more well written, funny, story driven games for kids.
He didn't say it was a retro shooter. He said it wasn't a modern shooter.
The new trend is to have guys die in like 3 hits, you fully regenerate your health if you hide for 5 seconds, jumping and dodging are either impossible or nerfed to be useless, and the setting is always the present day middle east. Halo isn't that. But it's not old school Quake/UT either.
I grew up on Quake and UT, and modern day shooters don't really appeal to me either. I wouldn't say they're bad games, but I just don't like how complex they've become. Can't aim well while jumping, recoil, dying easily. I understand the want for realism, it's just not for me. Slows down the pace of the game to a point that I just don't find enjoyable.
I want rocket jumping with quad damage and pentagram of protection.
Even though I let my son play Halo: Reach, I won't let him play COD. Just a different level of maturity needed IMHO.