Surely an innovative concept, but does it have what it takes to win the approval of the mass ? A browser that "promises" to facilitate more efficient web browsing. Those who subscribe to idea of multitasking will truly love this radical new tool. 6 windows readily accessible to your mouse and more importantly eyes. Imagine the possibilities !! Sweet talking the girl you fancy, while getting romance tips from Don Juan and Shakespear with 3 more slots for any one of histories greatest poets
Surely an innovative concept, but does it have what it takes to win the approval of the mass ? A browser that "promises" to facilitate more efficient web browsing. Those who subscribe to idea of multitasking will truly love this radical new tool. 6 windows readily accessible to your mouse and more importantly eyes. Imagine the possibilities !! Sweet talking the girl you fancy, while getting romance tips from Don Juan and Shakespear with 3 more slots for any one of histories greatest poets