Originally posted by: necro007
You see I am going to put a larger hard drive and the heat is goingto be a lot so i need more cool air.
Originally posted by: necro007
You see I am going to put a larger hard drive and the heat is goingto be a lot so i need more cool air.
Originally posted by: Cobolman
There are several places out there (I don't have the link myself, but I'm sure you can find 'em) that have XBOX mod stuff.
One of the things they have is an expansion for the original XBox case. Basically, you just slip this thing between the top and bottom halves of the case, making the machine taller.
Edit: Here's one.
Originally posted by: Brock123
Didn't read the second have of the posts sorry if i missed somthing but I have a seagate 120 in my xbox been runing fine for 3 years you should be fine.
Originally posted by: liquid51
I have a maxtor 250gb in my xbox. I'm sure the hdd warmed things up a little bit, but in the last 3 years I've been running I haven't had any problems whatsoever.
And if your sensitive to noise, that 12v fan mod is gonna kill you. A buddy of mine threw a switch on his...
Originally posted by: liquid51
I'm just curious as to what your actually concerned with as far as the increased temps from the new hdd? I've never heard or read of any problems associated with xbox modding and heat related issues. The only reason I say this is because you may be putting yourself through more trouble than it's worth.
And in regards to your comment about the leaf blower, why not just use the 12v fan mod? I'm sure the increase in airflow would negate any added temps from the hdd. You wouldn't need to buy any addition fans either.
Anyway, just trying to help out =)
Originally posted by: liquid51
Yeah, no problems at all. I know at least 10 other people who've done the same with no problems.
Originally posted by: Snerp
Your stock fan speeds are fine. Seriously...I'm not kidding. Put the HD in there and if the heat is higher then you like, you can turn the stock fan up in EVOX under the setup or preferences and it will run like that as long as you have your mod chip on.
Your "problem" is solved.