Harmony 880 Remote with Samsung TV with 1 Source button


Jul 28, 2002
I have an LNT 4061f Samsung. I have my Harmony Remote programmed for DVD, Onkyo, Xbox 360, etc. All works great on getting the activities to work right EXCEPT getting the right input (all are HDMI). I have searched and tried via the logitech forums and set the different delays, but it is still not right.

Anyone that has this working or a work around OTHER than the Help Assistant, could you please share the solution? I would much appreciate it.



Golden Member
Feb 15, 2007
im assuming you have tried the remote setup for that tv that was already on logitech's website? i only ask because i had the same problem... my tv was only a one button source, so i had to hit it multiple times to get the right one. since the factory tv remote was only one button, i figured thats just how it was but i was wrong. i cant remember exactly but im pretty sure i just found a remote setup right on the harmony website and it allowed my tv to have direct input for the source. works great now...


Jul 28, 2002
Originally posted by: zig3695
im assuming you have tried the remote setup for that tv that was already on logitech's website? i only ask because i had the same problem... my tv was only a one button source, so i had to hit it multiple times to get the right one. since the factory tv remote was only one button, i figured thats just how it was but i was wrong. i cant remember exactly but im pretty sure i just found a remote setup right on the harmony website and it allowed my tv to have direct input for the source. works great now...

I put in my TV make and model, is that what you mean? or is there somewhere else for the setup?
