I chipped out the epoxy covering the bios chip, reflashed the bios, took out the large heatsink covering the processor, bought a special small, flat cpu fan and heatsink that would fit under a customized piece of 1/16 aluminum plate I made that held the purchased notebook HD, loaded Win 98 on it using specially made cables from my main computer HD using an adapter connection, making custom cables to attach the HD to the Iopener, istalling special drivers for this system, and reading for hours on how to do all this, along with were to buy the parts.
This is just a few of the steps necessary to hack the second generation of these Iopeners. Hacking something made for one purpose into something for another is the point.
If you have to ask "Is it worth the cost", or "Why not just buy a notebook." That isn't the point of this at all, and this isn't for you. It's a project that takes time, for a hobby, for enjoyment, for learning. That's the result. I rarely use mine, but there it is, hooked up to my phone line, ready to go.