Sorry if this is a newbie question but what differences will I see with a ATA133/100 hard drive vs. a ATA66?
Newegg has this:MAXTOR EIDE HARD DRIVE MODEL # 6L040J2 40GB 7200RPM - OEM, DRIVE ONLY D740X Plus ATA133/100 2MB Cache Buffer <8ms Seek Time - 3 Year Manufacturer Warranty. 40.0gb 7200 rpm for $87.
I also saw on the Hotbuys board that Office Depot has a Maxtor HD 40gig 7200 RPM but is ATA66. The price is cheaper but not all that much. It is retail though ...
Is the one from newegg $20 better coupled with an EPOX 8KHA+ MB.
BTW, why does newegg not list this MB anymore?
Thanks, mike
Newegg has this:MAXTOR EIDE HARD DRIVE MODEL # 6L040J2 40GB 7200RPM - OEM, DRIVE ONLY D740X Plus ATA133/100 2MB Cache Buffer <8ms Seek Time - 3 Year Manufacturer Warranty. 40.0gb 7200 rpm for $87.
I also saw on the Hotbuys board that Office Depot has a Maxtor HD 40gig 7200 RPM but is ATA66. The price is cheaper but not all that much. It is retail though ...
Is the one from newegg $20 better coupled with an EPOX 8KHA+ MB.
BTW, why does newegg not list this MB anymore?
Thanks, mike