Hard Drive Recovery?


Apr 11, 2005
What are the options for recovering data off a failing hard drive? The drive has multiple bad sectors. Bios/Windows detects the drive and partitions but can't access the files. Can norton ghost clone the data off? Someone also told me that putting the hard drive in the freezer for an hour may buy time to recover the data? I know data recovery places could get the data off but its very expensive, what techniques do they use?


May 7, 2005
  1. test drive with manufacturer's diagnostic utility and use test result to RMA the drive if warranty is valid.
  2. obtain a second hard drive you can copy your data to.
  3. Do not operate the drive (power on and spin) until there is a second drive hooked up to copy the data to and you are prepared to copy the data over. The more the drive is used, the more time it has to fail.
  4. Can use a rescue disk, such as UBCD4Win with disk recovery programs, to copy data to the other drive.
  5. Can use recovery software to find files on disk and copy files to the other drive.
  6. You do not need the freezer trick since your problem is not a mechanical read/write arm failure.
  7. please read through the link in my signature for more information.