Hard Drive Problem


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
It seems like I can't access some on the files stored on my hard drive in Windows (98SE). When I right click and go to properties of the drive, it clearly shows that 56.9 GBs of it has been used. However, when I go look through the files, I can only see/access 40.2 GBs of it. What can I do to access the other 16.7 GBs of files that I can't seem to be able to view?

Also, this hard drive has been problematic from the start. It's a replacement for my older Maxtor HD which I RMA'ed. This drive usual fails every now and then and to solve the problem I would unplug and replug the IDE and power cables. I plan on RMA'ing this drive once I get home from college during winter break.

Edit: I've tried accessing the missing files in DOS and it didn't work.

Edit: I know there is definitely a problem because this is my storage drive and I'm missing folders of files.


Oct 23, 2003
I'll try to remember. Go to control panel, click on tools and then folder options. Click on the view tab, and find "show hidden files" and click on it. This should let you see all your files. If this doesn't work, pull down it's pants and give it a good spanking................
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Kinky!!

"Edit" major time. Sorry. Go to settings, view and folder options. Click on show all files, then apply and close. That should work. So I missed, shoot me......BANG!!!!!!!



Oct 23, 2003
I'm sure you've scandisked and defraged the drive. Can you actually see these files in DOS? If so do they look familiar, like their part of a program you know? Do they have extensions like com, exe or dll on them? If they don't then try and delete them. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, or you have important files then don't. It's a start.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
Originally posted by: thunderhorse
I'm sure you've scandisked and defraged the drive. Can you actually see these files in DOS? If so do they look familiar, like their part of a program you know? Do they have extensions like com, exe or dll on them? If they don't then try and delete them. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, or you have important files then don't. It's a start.

Wow, I never thought about doing the obvious. I scandisk'ed and successfully recovered all my files. Thanks a lot. :)