Hard Drive displays the wrong amount of disk free space


Senior member
Mar 5, 2001
I have 3 120GB WD (JB) hdds. 2 on the primary channel, and a 3rd on an IDE controller card (on the box it says: SMARAID ATA RAID 0/1 Card for Ultra ATA/100 - when I installed this card I let windows do all the work and it registered it all fine in device manager). The 3rd hdd says it's got 85.2MB of free space. This can't be true as i've deleted/moved at least 15GB of data off it onto one of the other hdds. Now I can't move anything to this hdd that is over 85.2MB. What's going on!? The hdd appears to be 'locked' at a fake drive disk space left capacity. I can't move any movies off it as I wouldn't be able to put them back on. I am able to run stuff off the hdd fine. This problem seemed to have begun when I was moving a large amount of information off it onto another hdd whilst moving another large amount of information onto the drive at the same time.

Can anyone help!? Please..


Senior member
Oct 20, 2003
Make sure your recycle bin is empty, and if you're running norton products make sure the norton protected recycle bin is also empty, these can store files without you even realizing it. But yes, also run a scandisk/chkdisk on the drive.


Golden Member
Feb 5, 2003
running XP?

go to controlpanel/administerative tools/ computer managment ->disk mangaemanet

you can look at all your drive info there, and see what is there

this should help :)


Senior member
Mar 5, 2001
Wow thanks. It was this norton protected bin thing. My recycle bin was empty but I guess norton was keeping all the files i deleted/moved anyway. Kind of annoying, why does it do this? Wouldn't it just keep files it thinks are important like system files, instead of keeping all these multiple avis/mpegs, etc..


Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: 14k
Wow thanks. It was this norton protected bin thing. My recycle bin was empty but I guess norton was keeping all the files i deleted/moved anyway. Kind of annoying, why does it do this? Wouldn't it just keep files it thinks are important like system files, instead of keeping all these multiple avis/mpegs, etc..

In case you want to restore non-critical files, that's why. :)
You can configure the Norton recycle bin as to what files it ignores, and also the amount of space it uses. Right-click the Recycle Bin, and select Properties. Look through the menus there for configuration options.