Hard drive cooling !


Golden Member
Oct 18, 1999
I've seen many debates on whether or not hard drives need cooling and I have been an advocate in the belief that some hard drives (not all) would benefit from some form of cooling.

Well I bought myself a nice new Aluminum case which had a neat little hard drive enclosure with enough room for 5 hard drives and had two fans blowing across the drives, so I stuck all the hard drives in together noting that there really wasn't a lot of room in between the installed drives.

My previous case was a full blown tower and 3 out of my 5 hard drives were in hard drive coolers, my Atlas 10kII (10k rpm) sits on a old GlobalWin King Kong hard drive cooler with 3 40mm fans blowing across it which did a great job of cooling it down and also two 5400 Maxtor 80 gig drives were in Coolermaster enclosures.

Well a week after moving all my hardware into the new case my Atlas and one of my Maxtors has deceased ! (insert p!ssed emoticon here) and were extremely hot to the touch, which I believe contributed to their demise, luckily both my drives have plenty of warrantly left on them and once I get them back from RMA they will both be going back into their previous hard drive coolers.

just thought I post my exp :D



Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2003
it has been proven byt eh anandtech staff in one of the reviews(which one idon't remember) that if nothing else hard drive coolers will prolong the life of your HDDs.


Golden Member
Oct 18, 1999
It would nice if the drive manufacturers would find better ways of increasing contact area/s as they're really not a lot of contact area available to really reduce the amount of heat generated, especially 10/15k rpm drives.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2001
Sorry to hear about your drive loss. :( I've not yet lost a drive due to heat (that I know of). It seems that if cooling was a requirement for reliability, manufacturers would encourage it. I only see high rpm scsi drives get warm enough to require cooling. I guess it also depends on your room and ambient temperatures whether you would need a drive cooler or not.